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President’s Letter – February 2018

Dear LGS Members:

I hope you all enjoyed the icy start to the year. It was disappointing not to hold the January luncheon, but the Petroleum Club was closed due to the freezing weather. I was looking forward to hearing from our speaker, but we will try to reschedule him in the future. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today, but Pierre C. Shadeaux did not. I’m hoping for the best!


Many thanks to those who attended the annual “Eat and Greet” and Deano’s. We had a nice turnout, with a good mix of students, faculty, and professionals. I received many positive reviews of the event, so thanks again to those who attended. I would like to thank John Hollier for organizing the event.


Our next meeting will be held February 21 at the Petroleum Club. We will receive a presentation by Trevor Casper as he shares “Unconventional Isn’t Easy.


Our next event will be the “Geology and Wine of France” presentation by Dr. Raphaël Gottardi at the Hilliard Art Museum on Thursday, February 22. He will have a great selection of wines for us to sample as we learn about the region. We will also be hosting a silent mineral auction during the event. If you have a mineral specimen you’d like to donate, please let me know and we can make it happen! Tickets for the event are $40 and are now available on the LGS website: Guests of LGS members are also welcome to attend. Please purchase tickets early so we can be sure to have plenty of wine for sampling.
We are finalizing our plans for a March field trip and the annual crawfish boil for April. More information for each of these events will be shared when available.
Students: don’t forget to submit your application for the Jack Shirley Memorial SIPES scholarship. You should find a link to the application in the LGS Bulletin and on the website. The application deadline is April 16, 2018.


Here’s your lagniappe for the month – a video clip of a press release regarding the UL Geology Museum’s Megatylopus. Many of you donated to our field efforts, so here is an update. Check out this video ( and come check our progress at the museum.


I’ll see you at lunch!


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